Wrapped it up this past Sunday, actually. Since wrapping up the Day 1 of the Principal Photography, I ran into a snag with my lead actor, and at that point, I had to make a decision whether to give the man another try, or to drop him and move on. This project is now approaching D-Day, and I just couldn't afford any more uncertainty from anyone involved. I made the decision to drop my then-current lead actor, but by chance I was still able to snag one of the people who expressed interest in the role just as quickly. With no time to spare, I caught him up as quickly as I can, and the ball kept rolling and was still on track.
I must admit, in each and every step of this project that I take, and the more "real" it becomes, it dawns on me how ambitious I have been in this whole ordeal to tackle as much of the whole thing by myself, with little to no merit to back myself up. This has truly been a learning experience in humility.
Two shooting days down, and one more left, this being the crucial shoot of the three. June 7th, we do the deed.