It's like a weapon.
It's like those period swords for example, very gingerly and proudly taken care of, but when it comes time to use, it gets bloody, and it bloody murders!
With that, it was time for my unofficial annual Spring cleaning of the R1. :)

Shade-tree mechanizing!

Yup. Mailbox proxy as a toolbox. :)
While I wash the bike every now and then throughout the season, I like to de-grease and wash the engine bay too to make sure that no leak or seeping escapes me, at least once a year.

A relatively spotless engine and transmission
is a healthy engine and transmission.
Then, when it's all said and done, the bike gets tucked in the garage. On a wheel chock and a rear stand. Soft-cloth cover over it. Every night.

Like a sword properly sheathed. :)