- Become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Become a Homeowner
- Become a Wife to the most Awesome Husband (effectively)
"Good things come in threes." A trifecta, a "hat-trick," and without even being greedy, who in their conventional mind would think that somehow, she could manage to fit another milestone in an already momentuous year?
I swear, I don't think Belle herself knew there was any rabbit left in the hat.
Until we tried and got another rabbit after all...

Enough said, because the last time I said anything at all about how big of a year Belle is having, fate seems to have us defy even our expectations.
There's still two and a half weeks left to this year.
I'm not sure Belle or I can handle any more awesomeness at this point. :)
P.S. I've been maintaining this weblog with mostly my adventures going into five years now, and yet somehow, they all pale in comparison to Belle's 2011. Women, I tell ya!