Hit a bit of snag when I had put the tank on the bike as I didn't realize the fuel pump it came with was missing a gasket. A pool of petrol underneath the bike a few hours later gave it away. Simply snagged the gasket off of my smashed tank's pump and fitted on to the replacement. Recycling is good!
Also got to work on removing the Graves exhaust system I had and replaced it with the stock. While I have no problem running the stock system I had laying around (it's a good thing they didn't sell when I was trying to get rid of them!), it's a bit of shame to add some more pounds on the bike, and lose the more personable exhaust note of the Graves system.

Lovingly crafted welds that yielded light weight and a heavy snarl.

The stock system. A bit more heavy without the
magnificent sound, but they'll get the job done.
Now I just have to re-map the Power Commander on the bike to run the stock system at optimal settings. Or maybe just remove the Power Commander altogether and sell it.

Rob managed to bend the fairing stay a bit closer into alignment, but had to stop when the unit cracked, which was already expected. I managed to find a way to make it work though, by simply removing one of the rubber dampers on the higher arm, allowing me to mount the upper fairing without too much of a discrepancy in symmetry.

I'm about as relieved at this point as I am amazed at how quickly I've gotten the bike back together. I'm actually tempted to bring it out on May 22nd back to Infineon for another proper trackday, and shake off the bitter after-taste of the last time. The bike will be ready by then anyway, without a doubt, and could probably use some breaking in with its new lease on life.
We'll see.

Still alive and well.

Just waiting on its new skin.