The imperfections were tiny dimples on the fill-pieces, and Rob was hoping to have the powdercoater run another coat in hopes to completely smooth it out. Quite frankly, I just want the damn thing on the bike already cause it's already come out tenfold better than what I had set out to expect.
Besides, once we put this one on the bike, we're left with another swingarm for Rob to practice with until perfection. If the 2nd time around produces an even better one, we'll just switch again. :)
There is one cause of sort of concern I had thought of after first seeing the good job that Rob did. A big reason I wanted to have this project done was to yield the look that I wanted on my bike's swingarm without breaking the bank. I think that a motorcycle's swingarm is one of the underrated components of its aesthetic, and that having a remarkable swingarm can make the bike. I've always loved the look of the Superbike or MotoGP swingarms; they look the business with their nigh-monolithic look. Rob did such a good job on mine, he's already got other people lined up to have the same done to their swingarms depending on the outcome of mine. I also thought that this was a great customization to my bike unlike the common chrome or extension mods that others have mostly done.
This was Rob's first crack at it, and he already did so well beyond my expectations. I firmly believe he will have a slew of other folks wanting a superbike-style mod on their own, which sucks for me if I'm right, cause there goes my claim to a "one-of" swingarm mod around my metro.
Damn me and my ambitions, hehehe.