Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Principal Photography Day 2, Wrapped Up

Wrapped it up this past Sunday, actually. Since wrapping up the Day 1 of the Principal Photography, I ran into a snag with my lead actor, and at that point, I had to make a decision whether to give the man another try, or to drop him and move on. This project is now approaching D-Day, and I just couldn't afford any more uncertainty from anyone involved. I made the decision to drop my then-current lead actor, but by chance I was still able to snag one of the people who expressed interest in the role just as quickly. With no time to spare, I caught him up as quickly as I can, and the ball kept rolling and was still on track.

I must admit, in each and every step of this project that I take, and the more "real" it becomes, it dawns on me how ambitious I have been in this whole ordeal to tackle as much of the whole thing by myself, with little to no merit to back myself up. This has truly been a learning experience in humility.

Two shooting days down, and one more left, this being the crucial shoot of the three. June 7th, we do the deed.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Principal Photography Day 1, Wrapped Up

There will be a (planned) total of three principal photography shooting days for my short film, and yesterday I wrapped up the first one for my female lead Ruth Jansen.

A screen capture from yesterday.

The days leading up to yesterday have been a pendulum of emotions for me, from excitement to apprehension. Yesterday practically meant the point of no return for this film project, and on one side I was washed with the realization that my first attempt at this may be too ambitious for my own good; not only do I not have enough experience in most of the tools at my disposal, I've never really shot a plot-driven film. On the other, I am excited that the ball's rolling and there has been some fruition to come out of all the resources I've put into this project to date.

One down, two more to go, and along the way, I'm having to learn to be competent in this whole thing.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"It's Like a Weapon..."

The other day I was musing with my go-to moto-guy Rob about my coming to the realization that I'm a bit bipolar about my R1; on the one hand I ride the hell out of it, INCLUDING track days, and on the other hand I baby it like nothing else. All Rob said was:

It's like a weapon.

It's like those period swords for example, very gingerly and proudly taken care of, but when it comes time to use, it gets bloody, and it bloody murders!

With that, it was time for my unofficial annual Spring cleaning of the R1. :)

Shade-tree mechanizing!

Yup. Mailbox proxy as a toolbox. :)

While I wash the bike every now and then throughout the season, I like to de-grease and wash the engine bay too to make sure that no leak or seeping escapes me, at least once a year.

A relatively spotless engine and transmission
is a healthy engine and transmission.

Then, when it's all said and done, the bike gets tucked in the garage. On a wheel chock and a rear stand. Soft-cloth cover over it. Every night.

Like a sword properly sheathed. :)