Sunday, September 19, 2010


First "in the wild" shot of the TAAF bike. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

This Morning's Solitary Ride Was in Memory of

I still remember the very day when it happened.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Full-time Representing

I scored a set of track fairings for the R1, which I decided was best for using during trackdays instead of the newly painted fairings. It would've been too cavalier of me to risk the new paint so soon, given that other kind-hearted people were invested in them.

Fairly reminiscent of my favorite track bike, no? :)

I also happened to have some leftover TAAF decals to spare. :)

Maybe I should undertake a pilgrimage around the nation, to ride every motorcycle racetracks around the country, get TAAF out as much as I can.

Maybe. :)