Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oh, Behave!

This past Thanksgiving Day, I dropped off Belle and Stella to the airport so they can fly over to the in-laws in New Jersey for an early holidays celebration with them. Belle and I agreed that we would fly to the East Coast to be with her family for the holidays every other year, and since we did for last year's holidays, we're not due to do so again until next year's. But Belle being Belle, she decided to take Stella to the in-laws for 10-days this year, and me being myself, decided to stay behind with my first-born Rusty.

I dubbed that period of time my 10-day Hall Pass, free to do anything I want without the girls!

Halfway into my 10-day Hall Pass, and my buddy Trung and I exchanged the following texts:

Trung: "Your 10 day hall pass, any good?"
Me: "Go figure; I can do anything,
but I don't want to do anything!
Stupid irony!"

The house was quiet, but it was too quiet. Since winter is upon us, the temperatures have dropped, and it was hard for me to keep the house warm with just myself and Rusty, so the house heater saw frequent use when it otherwise wouldn't. I didn't have to go home right away every night after work, but I did. I didn't have to go to sleep as early as I would, but I did. And apart from after-work drinks with a co-worker one one weeknight, I didn't exactly capitalize on my hall pass.

I think this little one's got me whipped!

No babes I would encounter can hold a candle to this one!